Fall 2019

Back to legislative & Regulatory Updates





I am happy to announce that ISSA has overhauled its “Advocacy” web portal to better educate and engage our members on the latest and most important public policy, regulatory, and compliance topics. The reorganized and updated webpages will provide you with more ways to get involved in our advocacy efforts. Here you can get educated on top policy priorities facing the industry, read updates on timely legislative and regulatory actions, and gain access to a wealth of regulatory compliance materials.
Most excitingly, ISSA has launched our “Action Center,” which will connect you quickly and easily with your federal and state elected officials on the most pressing issues, as well as allow you to opt-in to “Become An Advocate For Clean.” Timely and concise communication with lawmakers is powerful in influencing, passing, or defeating legislation and regulations.

In addition to engaging our members, we hope to use the action center to educate and engage those positively impacted by the cleaning industries such as customers, workers, parents, etc. By engaging the grassroots, ISSA can have a greater impact on important public policy issues impacting the cleaning industry.
I invite you to “Become An Advocate For Clean” yourself and invite co-workers, employees, and customers to do the same. Together we can help change the way the world views cleaning.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions regarding our advocacy efforts at 847-982-3453 or at [email protected].

John Nothdurft
Director of Government Affairs
What We’re Working On
This is a pretty blue line.
This is a pretty blue line.
This is a pretty blue line.