
Coronavirus Government Response Update—New Video Details ISSA’s Advocacy Efforts

June 24, 2020 Coronavirus Government Response Update—New Video Details ISSA’s Advocacy Efforts

Welcome to the Coronavirus Government Response Update. This information is intended to keep ISSA members up to date on fast-moving government affairs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other public policy issues important to the cleaning industry. Today’s update touches on ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft’s Straight Talk with Jeff Cross discussion about ISSA’s advocacy efforts, the American Action Forum President’s tax credit for personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning supplies recommendations, the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) revised economic forecasts, and more.

ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft Speaks About ISSA Advocacy Efforts
In a new Straight Talk with Jeff Cross segment, ISSA Director of Government Affairs John Nothdurft shares what the department is working on in regards to regulatory issues and especially on the Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit Act that will impact the future of many companies. 

American Action Forum President Recommends Tax Credit for Cleaning and PPE Supplies
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum, recommends a tax credit similar to the Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit Act in order for “workplaces to operate safely in the presence of the virus,” he wrote. “One could easily design, for example, a tax credit equal to a fraction of the cost of protecting employees and reconfiguring workplaces…” including “deep cleaning and disinfectants, and PPE for employees.”

IMF Curbs Outlook for U.S. Economy
The International Monetary Fund curbed its economic forecasts once again in its World Economy Outlook update Wednesday. “The Covid-19 pandemic has had a more negative impact on activity in the first half of 2020 than anticipated, and the recovery is projected to be more gradual than previously forecast,” the IMF reported. However, the IMF cautions, the forecasts involve unprecedented uncertainty, and the nature of the recovery will depend on many factors, such as the length of the pandemic, voluntary social distancing, changes to global supply chains, and new labor market dynamics.

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