End Period Poverty Advisory Council

The ISSA Period Poverty Advisory Council will play an advisory role in support of the development of ISSA’s education and advocacy strategy related to ending period poverty. This includes but is not limited to identifying education opportunities; development and promulgation of policy positions related to period poverty; execution and/or support of advocacy activities related to the campaign; and help communicating our messages to employees, vendors, customers, and policymakers on such issues.

Council members include:

Claire Coder
Founder and CEO
Aunt Flow

Krista Plewes
Head of Marketing
Citron Hygiene

Shallan Ramsey
CEO, Founder, and Inventor

Kenneth Vuylsteke
Board Member
HOSPECO Brands Group

Nilo Yagana
Vice President of Marketing

To learn more about ISSA’s Period Poverty campaign, please contact John Nothdurft, ISSA’s Director of Government Affairs.