The cleaning industry’s leading publication
Published bi-monthly, ISSA Today features articles and thought-leadership topics by top business and industry experts, covering various relevant issues, from industry trends, certifications, and technologies to ever-changing legislation, business advice, and how-to applications. ISSA Today also keeps you informed on important industry events and opportunities, milestones, and the latest products and services.

January/February Issue
The current issue of ISSA Today is out now and covers:
- Straight Talk!: Redefining the Labor Market
- President’s Message: Building on Success
- ISSA In Action!: An inside look at what ISSA is doing for its members today.
- The ISSA and EPA Collaboration: Making Safer Choices with a US$1.2 million grant.
- Cleaner Spaces, Healthier Lives: The urgent case for safer cleaning practices.
- And so much more!