
Facility Productivity Strategies: Unleashed!

Categories: Building Service Contractor, Business Management

By Jon Hill | February 28, 2024 << Back to Articles Facility Productivity Strategies: Unleashed!

Improving facility cleaning and maintenance productivity is more than just an objective. It is essential. Innovative strategies can enhance a facility’s productivity rather than merely cleaning and maintaining it. It can lead to cost savings, occupant satisfaction, and increased operational efficiencies.

Let’s reconsider not only your building’s potential but the abilities of your team. Embracing innovative solutions and processes can transform any cleaning or maintenance crew into a united example of productivity and enhanced cleaning.

The evolving role of facility managers

In recent years, facility management has evolved from a primarily operational role to one encompassing strategic planning, sustainability, and technological integration. Facility managers no longer merely maintain physical spaces with mops and buckets; they now play a crucial role in enhancing workplace efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring a healthy environment. To succeed in this changing landscape, facility managers must adapt to new challenges and leverage their experience and knowledge.

This profound transformation is driven, in part, by innovative technology, evolving team dynamics, knowledge database, experienced problem-solving, and the goal to deliver high-quality services while optimizing budgets. Embracing change is becoming or will become the norm in the future. Transitioning from once-manual to automated processes will empower efficiency, accuracy, and innovation, driving organizational growth in the digital age. A recent Straight Talk segment with Jeff Cross delved into five pivotal topics that every facility manager should master for the future.

What innovative tech facility managers should know about

In an era where technology evolves at breakneck speed, facility managers must stay attuned to the latest advancements. Modern facilities increasingly adopt smart solutions, IoT devices, and AI-driven analytics to optimize operations. These innovations enable real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and enhanced security. Embracing such technology not only improves efficiency but also elevates the overall customer experience.

Architects have adopted frameworks like building information modeling (BIM), architectural standards, and computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) to streamline building workflows and enhance decision-making. Understanding these frameworks will assist in designing your workloading efficiently and effectively.

Building a team for the future

The facility management team of the future demands a blend of traditional and modern skill sets. Effective leadership, communication, and adaptability remain paramount. However, facility managers must also cultivate expertise in data analysis, technology implementation, and sustainability practices.

Of course, culture is the foundation of good team cohesion. We consulted with InnerWill Leadership Institute ( to support our team and build a future-ready team focused on professional development, cross-training, and nurturing a culture of innovation. Encourage collaboration among team members and foster a learning environment that embraces change. Diverse teams with a mix of skills and perspectives are better equipped to tackle the multifaceted challenges that the future holds.

Knowledge database: Utilize workloading

Workloading is a pivotal aspect of efficient facility management. By accurately documenting and analyzing workloads, facility managers can optimize resource allocation, plan maintenance schedules, and ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner. Embrace digital tools for comprehensive record-keeping and utilize data analytics to gain actionable insights into workload patterns.

Workloading also plays a significant role in justifying budgetary needs and evaluating the efficiency of the facility management team. By leveraging this data, facility managers can make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and maintain a high standard of customer service.

Strategies to address concerns

Addressing challenges and complaints head-on is an integral part of successful facility management. Efficient help desk management is the cornerstone of exceptional customer support, ensuring timely resolutions and satisfied customers. Managing and resolving complaints fosters a positive relationship with customers. By better understanding how your customer uses the facility, your company can use predictive analytics to mitigate common facility issues, reducing the frequency of complaints.

Teams that employ a root cause analysis (RCA) methodology to collaboratively dissect issues, identify underlying problems, and develop practical solutions are more effective in dynamic environments. This systematic approach fosters better decision-making, enhances problem-solving, and prevents recurring issues. Facility managers should implement preventive measures to ensure optimal performance and customer satisfaction.

Budgeting: Doing more with less

Whether overseeing a facility operation or managing a building service contract, facility managers face the perennial challenge of doing more with less. Tight budgets demand resourcefulness and prioritization. Start by conducting a thorough budget analysis to identify areas where cost savings are possible without compromising quality.

Implement technology-driven solutions that automate routine/project tasks and reduce labor costs. Negotiate favorable contracts with customers, vendors, and suppliers to optimize working capital. Use customer profitability information to measure which sales segment to pursue based on resource alignment and profitability. Ensure resources are positioned and ready to service your targeted customer base. By managing budgets and seeking innovative cost-saving strategies, facility managers can strike a balance between efficiency and quality.

Facility managers who navigate these challenges and opportunities with vision and adaptability are poised to lead their organizations toward a successful and sustainable future.

It will take a collective industry effort to really make the change required. Facility managers need to use their experience and knowledge to design new products and services to accommodate the changing customer demands.

About the Author.

Jon Hill is the CEO of Cobotiq and presents to business managers how to create and implement profitability information. He is a frequent speaker and presenter on the future impact of automation and technology in the cleaning industry.