
CMI Congratulates Recent Supervisor Boot Camp Participants

July 23, 2021

CMI Bootcamp

ISSA’s Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) would like to congratulate attendees of its most recent Supervisor and Management Boot Camp.

In a transition from remote learning, 16 cleaning industry professionals from across the country met in Baltimore for the course. The two-day boot camp is designed to sharpen both technical and soft skills involved in cleaning, maintaining, and servicing facilities. It is ideal for both aspiring entry-level workers as well as tenured professionals who are looking to increase their education and learn new techniques. After completing the program, participants receive access to take an online exam to obtain the Certified Custodial Supervisor (C.C.S.) certification.

“We are so honored that attendees traveled to Baltimore from all over the United States to enhance their careers through CMI Professional Development programming,” said ISSA Director of Education, Training, Certification & Standards Brant Insero. “We heard wonderful stories of success, uncovered opportunities to battle challenges together, and developed strategies to continue their career growth.”

For more information on upcoming CMI educational events, click here.